About Us


About Company

Good Food – Good Life

The company owes its origins to the early 2000’s when it opens door to supply nutrient products and agricultural adjuvants under the brand and/or private label to distributors and dealers in Canada, USA, Europe and Central America as well as several countries worldwide.

ProFert since day one remains committed to supply Farmers and agricultural distributors worldwide with cutting edge, highest quality agricultural chemicals and nutrients at competitive prices. ProFert since day one has decided to use its strengths in helping the farming community to produce more and provide new opportunities in using environmental-friendly products with a high level of responsibility and care towards the society and the environment.

Our products are innovative and developed based on an in-depth understanding of the science of soil, seed and crop nutrition. They undergo rigorous testing for performance, safety, efficacy and compatibility. ProFert thrives to offer Fertilizers, supplements and advisory services to Canadian and international growers of field, vegetables and horticultural crops including cereals, oilseeds, vegetables, fruit trees as well as to the turf and ornamental sectors. Our products range includes seed treatments, Root promoters/ Plant starters, fully water-soluble foliar suspensions, and plant health promoters along with many tailored formulations that fit specific needs, crops and farm zone conditions.

Our philosophy revolves around taking challenges encountered at the farm level and turn them into tangible solutions in form of fertilizer products. ProFert’s commitment is continued in its dedication to research, development, manufacture and marketing of state-of-the-art crop nutrients, bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides and spray adjuvants in a safe, environmentally friendly and cost effective manner.

The manufacturing process of our fertilizers as well as crop health promoters is unique and relies on the use of proprietary technologies, high quality Organic ingredients and are produced at a state-of-the-art facility operated by highly qualified Chemists. Looking back at what we accomplished this far with our customers along with scientifically proven products, it is outstanding to note the prosperous growth generated, which makes the future even more exciting and equally promising. We have, over the years, successfully educated and earned the trust of retailers, farmers and agronomists about soil, crop nutrition and health while garnering business from across the nation along the way. We thrive to offer the best customer experience to our clients and partners in business and we made it our first and foremost goal to deliver on service and quality.

Moving forward, we will take each given opportunity to work together with our clients and business partners to offer tangible solutions that address the challenges and limitations facing growth opportunities.

Best award winning
Year of experience
Our happy clients
Runing projects

Dedicated Farmer

So you get to know me better


About Company

Buy Organic Food Online and be Healthy

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